Podcast Trailer

Podcast Trailer


Prospektor & VPRO

Prospektor & VPRO

De Plantage van onze Voorouders

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Main Project Image
Main Project Image

In the eight-part series The Plantation of Our Ancestors, Maartje Duin explores traces of slavery in her family history.

In the first episode: Maartje delves into her family tree and discovers that her great-great-great-grandmother was a co-owner of a Surinamese plantation at the time of the abolition of slavery in 1863. Among the freed slaves, one surname stands out: Bouva. Could their descendants still be alive?

In the first episode: Maartje delves into her family tree and discovers that her great-great-great-grandmother was a co-owner of a Surinamese plantation at the time of the abolition of slavery in 1863. Among the freed slaves, one surname stands out: Bouva. Could their descendants still be alive?

In the first episode: Maartje delves into her family tree and discovers that her great-great-great-grandmother was a co-owner of a Surinamese plantation at the time of the abolition of slavery in 1863. Among the freed slaves, one surname stands out: Bouva. Could their descendants still be alive?

Regie en montage: Maartje Duin
Creatief producent Prospektor: Eefje Blankevoort
Uitvoerend producent Prospektor: Laura Verduijn
Uitvoerend producent randprogramma Prospektor: Vera Bachrach
Aanvullende fondsenwerving: Jesse Kuiper
Muziek: Rory Ronde & Eva van Manen
Mixage en sound design: Wederik de Backer
Stem van Marietje van Lynden: Machtella Hekkema
Stem van Mina Marinusse: Tineke Kodde
Research- en montage-assistent: Lotteke Boogert
Dagboektranscripties: Familie Van Lynden
Grafisch ontwerp: Marieke van der Perk
Fotografie: Yara Jimmink
PR: Sylvana Terlage
Eindredactie OVT: Katinka Baehr 
Meeluisteraars: Thabi Mooi, Franca Treur, Victor Blankevoort, Marlijn Aarts
Partners: Zeeuws Archief & Theaterproductiehuis Zeeland, met speciale dank aan Silvie Dees

Winnaar de Tegel 2020 in de categorie Audio